October 20, 2011

October 20, 2011: Eight Weeks!

Here you are at 8 weeks, a couple of kidney beans!

Today was kind of bittersweet. At eight weeks pregnant, we officially graduated from the fertility doctor today. I have to admit that going to that office had become a new normal, and now, the thought of not going on the rest of our journey the next 30-some weeks without my fabulous nurse, without the same doctor, without the same familiar faces makes me a little sad. They did a lot to get you here, and you're doing so well!!!!

Today Baby A is measuring 20.5mm, and your heartbeat is 167 bpm. Baby B, you're really catching up! You're at 10.5mm, and your heartbeat is 174 bpm. The doctor was really impressed with how well you're growing!

I'm feeling really pretty well. I keep waiting for morning sickness to be as bad as everyone says, and so far, I've only felt lousy here and there - usually at night, and it's really just kind of more like, nothing sounds really good to eat. At times I just feel like I'm hungover from too much wine, and want to eat cheeseburgers. But most of the time, you have me craving sweet things, like cake. I can't get enough cake right now.

I've only gained 1.2 pounds, but my belly is definitely getting bigger. I put on flannel pajama pants last night that I'm pretty sure won't fit in another week.

I feel my uterus growing on most days. Sitting in my office chair at my desk is a bit more uncomfortable than usual, especially if I lean forward. And I have been sleeping with a big pillow on my side. I have been pretty tired, but even that has subsided a bit this week. I say that, but it's 10:52 a.m. and I just had a huge yawn.

Monday I go to my OB for my first pre-natal visit. Counting down the weeks (4) until we're officially out of the first trimester, and then I can tell the whole world the good news. Right now, only the people who knew what we were going through (our family and closest friends) know. They are super excited. You've already gotten some baby presents too. A couple little bunny hats and shoes and stuffed bunny rabbits from the neighbors, an Eeyore and a Piglet stuffed animal from your great aunt PZ, lots of toys, bottles, and stuff for mom from aunt R, and some beautiful flowers from your super-excited-to-meet-you great aunt K--they were yellow roses and white hydrangeas.

Keep growing my little wonder twins!!!!

October 7, 2011

October 7, 2011: The Day We First Saw You

Here you are, your first picture, together.

Wow. That shock, that surprise I so desperately wanted to feel for so long has now hit me twice. This morning we had our six-week ultrasound appointment with Dr. K. The appointment was at 9:15, and it was quite busy in the office this morning. We waited patiently for about 30 minutes until they called us back. Everyone seemed to be excited to see us - so I got up on the table, the old routine. Dr. K came in and the ultrasound began. I think I knew almost right away that there wasn't just one of you, but that there were two. He said "well there is one.........and....there is a second." I said "twins!?" and he measured Baby A - you'd be the big one up there on the left. Your dad was there holding my hand. I laughed and couldn't believe it. It really hit me when we saw the heartbeat of Baby A, and I began to cry. Your dad was SO excited. Next we got to take a closer look at Baby B, and you are measuring just a little smaller than your sister/brother. But you look good, and we saw your heartbeat fluttering away.

I didn't expect this, figured because I had one big follicle on that last pre-IUI ultrasound that I was just blessed to be having one. Now, two! It's a blessing so big as your great-Grandma Flossie said "It's almost to big to comprehend." And it is. I feel like I just won the lottery. Your family and our closest friends now know that you are on your way, and they are so excited. We, are so excited. Time to buy a bigger car(s)!

My two little lines! 

My two little buddies...you are truly blessings from God and you doing so well! I pray for you everyday to be physically, emotionally, and spiritually strong. 34 weeks to go.