November 10, 2011

One Year Ago Today...and 11w6d

You've graduated from looking like beans to little people! We saw your noses and the outlines of your bodies today for the first time. We also saw a lot of other body parts, well at least they told us they were. Little arms and legs...your heart beats, and the sound of your heart beats for the first time. You guys! You were so squirmy and bouncing all over the place! Baby B, you would hardly stay still long enough for them to take your picture. Your heart beats are 163 and 158...although I can't remember whose was whose. My guess is that one of you, I think Baby B, is a little girl...and Baby A, a little boy. We won't know for at least another 4-8 weeks. I go back again at 16 weeks, and then not again till about 20 weeks - which will be around the first of the year. I sure hope you cooperate next time and we can get a good picture of you so that we can start picking out names and CLOTHES!

Coincidentally, today is your aunt J's birthday...and one year ago today, I asked your dad to marry me while sitting at our kitchen table and drinking champagne. Who would have thought that a year later we'd be looking at our childrens faces for the first time!!!